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Partner with Accor Plus

Your Accor Plus membership expires in 0 days. Renew today to keep experiencing more and saving more!
You are currently an ALL – Accor Live Limitless member, to unlock more exclusive benefits join Accor Plus now.

Access Elevated Hotel Benefits, Savings and Recognition

Join us to enhance your offering and boost customer loyalty with Asia Pacific’s leading hotel travel subscription program.

Extend to your customers exclusive savings on accommodation, dining and invitations to money-can’t-buy events at over 1,000 Accor hotels, including Sofitel, Pullman, Novotel, and Peppers, along with elite member status so they can experience more from their travel.

Partner with Australia’s most popular and respected hotel programme providing:


An all-inclusive travel & dining proposition for your most valued customers

Most extensive network of hotel brands and restaurants in Asia Pacific

The best value and straightforward partnership structure

Strong, consistent B2B/B2C engagement and support throughout the partnership

Leverage Accor Plus membership to deliver more value:

New products
Stand out from competitors by
building an Accor Plus membership into
a product’s core value proposition

Tactical promotions
Include an Accor Plus membership
to drive conversion with
time-limited offers

Referral incentives
Reward clients with Accor Plus
for customer referrals

Employee rewards
Engage and incentivise
top-performing employees with
an Accor Plus membership

Sales closing tool
Reward customers with
an Accor Plus membership
when they renew

Customer recognition
Award an Accor Plus membership
to loyal clients as a recognition gift

Let’s discuss tailoring a solution together

Please share your details and we will contact you:

Or email us today: [email protected]